Message from the Honorary President

Asian Pacific Band Director’s Association is the first international organization in Asia to promote band music during the past almost half century, APBDA reached magnificent achievements by hosting conferences at different countries or regions, clinics and concerts or forums brought huge influence to band directors from all different countries.

The love of music and friendship between all members are always the most precious values of our members.

We welcome all wind music lovers joining us, by visiting our website to get information about the activities of APBDA and join our conference.

YEH Shu Han
Honorary President of APBDA

Message from the Honorary President Emeritus

Dear APBDA Band Directors of Asia and the Pacific Ocean Coast,
I deeply appreciate and congratulate on the great work in opening the new website of APBDA by Mr Brand Tan of Singapore and Mr. Keiichi Kurokawa of Japan plus some other persons.

I am sure that the APBDA website will provide more new and important information for APBDA’s future Activities.

This time I just wanted to inform APBDA of past activities for readers.

The history of APBDA began with the idea of the Japanese Band Directors’ Association (JBA), which was established in 1967. Inspired by Paul Yoder, a past president of The American Bandmasters Association, the JBA sought to foster exchange conferences with foreign band organizations. These efforts led to joint conventions with organizations such as the American Bandmasters Association in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1974 and the Korean Band Association in Seoul, Korea in 1975.

The first official conference was held in Tokyo, Japan in 1978 with the name of the Southeast Asian Band Director’s Convention, with subsequent conferences held in various locations including Korea, the Philippines, and Thailand. In 1990, the organization changed its name to the Asia and Pacific Band Directors’ Association (APBDA)and conferences were held every two years.

Despite challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, APBDA continues to hold conferences to facilitate collaboration and exchange among band directors in the region.
(For detailed information on APBDA, please see the History page on this website)

Thank you for taking the time to read through this information.

Toshio Akiyama
Honorary President Emeritus of APBDA